Category: Thailand

December 5

After the surprisingly pleasant 7 hour bus ride to Bangkok we hauled our lives onto our backs once more and began the hunt for a decent guest house. After deciding…

November 27

We had a 5 hour bus ride from Chiang Mai to Sukhotai on Thursday morning, thankfully less painful than the one a few days earlier. On arrival in Sukhotai we…

November 26
November 24

We’re now into our second day in Chiang Mai so I thought I’d write a little update about our last stop, Chaing Rai, the capital city of Thailand’s northernmost province…

November 18

Sitting in Krabi airport with three hours until our flight to Bangkok, so this could be a long post! We spent the last 4 days on Ko Lanta, arriving by…

November 17

This is why I put all of that effort into getting a motorcycle license. Note the basket on the front for collecting the roadkill that just can’t get out of…

November 9

After a couple of flights and a night in Phuket, we fought the jet lag to get ourselves up early and jumped on a tuk tuk to catch the first…